Dr Splatterjacket here reporting for duty despite another major setback in my plans. While drilling into the centre of the earth I have been disturbed to discover that some of the rock is looking a bit red. If I wanted red, I would have gone to Mars. When will people realise going to Mars is easy? You just put a bowl on your head, attach a swimming pool of rocket fuel to your bottom, hold your breath and light a match… that’s not real adventure. It can’t be real adventure unless there is constant danger of something falling on your head, everyone knows that.
Anyway, while drilling and staring angrily at red rocks, I remembered that I always like to do at least two things at once. Sometimes it is drill and stare with the intensity of a laser at some rock, other times it is to play violin while riding a hippo. It varies. This all led me to my latest invention… the SketchControl.
Every inventor needs a pencil, of course. How else can you draw your inventions? If you’re content being a boring normal, then sure just keep using an ordinary pencil. For those with vision (like me), the SketchControl is the ultimate upgrade.
At one end, the SketchControl is a perfectly functional pencil… ideal for scribbling plans to thwart your enemies or designing your next brilliant device. At the other end, however, it is a multifunctional controller complete with a joystick and programmable buttons.
Imagine this: you’re sketching an elephant while simultaneously using a remote-controlled drone fly to guide the elephant into performing the perfect swatting motion. Or perhaps you’re drafting an important note to the president of wherever you happen to be, all while flipping through TV channels to find reruns of your favourite soap operas.
Admittedly, the bulky shape of the controller takes some getting used to. It’s also true that it doesn’t fit in my old desk tidies. But who cares about minor inconveniences when the SketchControl allows you to wield the power of invention and multitasking in one glorious tool?
Note to self: reinforce desk.